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Lone Worker Alarm

Lone Worker Alarm

The StaySafe app acts as a lone worker alarm designed to help you keep your employees safe, especially when they are working alone. At StaySafe, we are passionate about keeping our clients and their staff safe, and you can get in touch with us at any point if you do have any queries about the solutions that we offer. Our app can also support staff when they are working off the premises, and is designed to help you comply to your duty of care. The lone worker app provides valuable peace of mind and is the perfect solution if you have faced difficulty with monitoring out of hours and off the premises work in the past. Passionate About Safety More and more companies are using the StaySafe lone worker device. We cater for companies and organisations from a host of sectors, and the app can be used anywhere as long as you have a smartphone or tablet to hand. It is versatile enough to be used in industries ranging from field services to health and social care and is as easy to customise as it is low in cost. Why not contact us today to find out more about our increasingly-popular cloud-based monitoring solutions and lone worker alarms? Take a closer look at StaySafe.