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Learn more about lone worker best practice

Looking for information on keeping lone working staff safe? You’ve come to the right place.

StaySafe’s Knowledge Hub provides expertise and advice on everything you need to know about lone working. Download one of our in-depth guides today.

Three compelling business reasons not to ignore lone worker safety

It is estimated that there are 53 million lone workers in Canada, the United States and Europe alone, and with many working in situations where they are vulnerable to violence, abuse, accident and injury, the health and safety of those individuals is a growing concern.

But why should organisations take extra steps to protect lone working staff? This document outlines three business reasons you shouldn’t ignore lone worker safety: legal, moral and financial.

Five facts you should know about lone working

Guide to lone worker safety

Every 15 seconds, 151 people suffer a workplace accident and every year 321,000 people lose their lives at work, according to statistics taken from the International Labor Organisation. This seems inconceivable, particularly as most workplace accidents are preventable. So how can you keep your staff safe? 

Find out more about the risks your lone workers face, your duty of care and how you can put systems in place to support your employees. 


Three Questions to Ask When Purchasing a Lone Working Solution

Lone and remote working is more common now than perhaps ever before. In these unprecedented times of the COVID-19 global pandemic, organisations are by necessity having to embrace new ways of working and this means more lone and remote workers.


In this guide, we’ll go through some of the steps you can take to evaluate your needs, understand what solutions are on offer and what features you need (and what are just nice-to-have).

Helen Down

Lone working in the housing industry: risk, legal duty and safety monitoring technology

Every employer has a duty of care to protect their employees from workplace risks. For those working alone in the housing industry, violence and aggression is not uncommon but there are practical steps that can be taken to better protect your employees

This document outlines the risks faced by housing employees as they travel and work alone, the employer’s responsibility and some of the ways you can reduce risk to your staff.

StaySafe guide to lone working in utilities

Whether your employees are dealing with electric, gas, water or sewerage, it is likely that they are exposed to safety hazards on a daily basis. 

It can be difficult to know what health and safety measures you need to put in place to ensure that all of your employees have access to critical support in an emergency. To help you access the right information, we’ve created a free guide outlining everything you need to know about lone working in the utilities sector and how best to protect your lone workers.

StaySafe lone working in local authorities and councils

Every employer has a duty of care to protect their employees from workplace risks. For those working for local authorities, lone working has become commonplace, with workers regularly carrying out home visits and client meetings alone and away from the office. 

While working alone is usually safe, employees working within public facing roles, face potentially difficult situations on a regular basis as they work in the community, enter client’ s homes alone, work late hours and carry out inspections and maintenance. Such environments mean that unfortunately, violence and aggression is common within the industry