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Employee Location Tracking App

Do you want to track your employees in other locations when they are working on behalf of your company? If you have employees who frequently have to work off-site or carry out jobs in other parts of the country or in more remote locations, then you will want to know they are OK and safe while they are carrying out that work. An employee location tracking app can be used to monitor and track your workforce while they work off-site, wherever that may be.

StaySafe is a smartphone app and monitoring solution which offers protection for lone workers wherever they work in the world. The app tracks location in real time, which allows employees to check-in at the start and seek assistance in an emergency.

With this app you have a customisable, scalable solution. All you need is a smartphone or tablet to use it, nothing more is required. If a lone worker gets into difficulties or needs to report back in an emergency, then all the alerts and functions are in place to enable them to do so.

StaySafe is easy. It will keep your lone workers safe and give you peace of mind that they are safe.

You can find out more about this employee location tracking app HERE.

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