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Lone Worker Policy and Procedure

Lone Worker Policy and Procedure

All Lone workers should be given a framework for managing potentially risky and dangerous situations.

Keeping your lone workers safe is not always easy to monitor when it comes to the type of shift and location of work, but it should always be a priority. A Lone Worker Policy is a key tool for managing the health and safety of your lone workers.

Procedures to minimise risk to lone workers:

  • Assessing areas of risk including violence and environmental hazards.
  • The medical suitability of the individual to work alone and whether the workplace itself poses a threat to them.
  • Requirements for training, levels of experience and how best to monitor and supervise them.
  • Putting systems in place to monitor and keep in touch with lone workers at all times.
  • Legal requirements are learnt and adhered to.
  • Health and Safety checklists in place.

Those who work alone should always be aware of the Lone Worker Policy and comply with the procedures.

A Lone Worker Policy should firstly outline its purpose, which is to identify the responsibilities of the employer and lone workers and to present guidelines so that staff can understand how to mitigate risk in the best way possible.

Lone Working can be complex and procedures may only be applicable to certain situations, which is why it is important that employers establish all risks their lone workers could be subjected to.

As staff do not have additional assistance from colleagues when working unaccompanied and in often isolated situations, it is crucial that their company make them aware of the framework for their own personal safety within the Lone Worker Policy.

Health and Safety Practices Lone Worker should adhere to are as follows:

  • Any vehicles used such as vans, trucks or cars should have break-down cover and are suitable to be driven.
  • Taking extra care upon entering and leaving empty buildings, particularly at night.
  • Ensuring that dimly lit or vacant and quiet areas are avoided.
  • Expensive equipment, such as laptops and phones should be carried discreetly to avoid an attack and possible theft.
  • Escape routes worked out in advance.

With the StaySafe app, your workers can check-in and out at just a click of a button, making them immediately trackable and easy to monitor. Their location is visible on a real-time map allowing help to be sent immediately in an emergency.

Learn more about the StaySafe app

More about risk assessments

Lone worker policy check-list