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Lone Worker Protection Devices

Lone Worker Protection Devices

Lone worker protection devices offer employees who work alone with a way to signal for help in an emergency.

Traditional devices usually come in the form of an ID badge – which can be worn around the neck – or a handheld device that can be kept in a pocket or clipped to clothing.

Basic device functionality includes a panic button and GPS tracking – to allow the lone worker to quickly signal for help, while allowing the business to send support directly to their location.

Benefits of lone worker protection devices

If used correctly, lone worker devices are a great way for businesses to manage the safety of employees working away from direct supervision.

Working alone has increased in popularity over recent years, as a way for businesses to increase efficiency and reach more clients. However, working alone can put employees in a more vulnerable situation as they do not have the same level of support as those working alongside colleagues.

Working across a range of environments, behind closed doors and with members of the public, can also put lone workers at risk of violence, aggression and accidental injury. Lone worker devices ensure that if an accident or incident does occur, not only can the lone worker signal for help, they can also be located immediately to reduce response time.

Additional functionality such as discreet panic and man-down alerts, increases the level of protection provided by lone worker devices. With discreet panic, should a lone worker be confronted by an aggressive customer, they are able to trigger an alert unnoticed. Man-down alerts detect a fall or period of non-movement and send an alert even if the employee is knocked unconscious.

Downfalls of lone worker devices

Unfortunately, encouraging employees to remember their lone worker protection devices on a daily basis and keep them charged, can prove challenging. Organisations may find that their employees are constantly forgetting to bring their lone worker device or have forgotten to charge it the night before.

Having safety devices that aren’t being used not only puts the lone worker at risk, but the business may not be meeting their duty of care in the eyes of the law.

The solution

Lone worker apps – which can be downloaded onto a smartphone or tablet – offer a great solution to those looking to protect their lone workers without relying on them to remember an additional device.

The majority of employees now carry smart devices with them at all times and would not leave the house without their wallet, keys and mobile phone.

Plus, lone worker apps are low cost, will not break, and offer all the functionality of a traditional device and much more. Find out 6 reasons lone worker apps are rising in popularity.

StaySafe’s lone worker protection app

StaySafe offer a lone worker app which provides a wide range of functionality to protect your lone workers. Some of these include;

  • Panic button
  • Discreet panic
  • Duress PIN
  • Low signal mode
  • Low battery alerts
  • Man-down alerts

StaySafe is a low cost and reliable solution for businesses looking to better protect their lone workers. Plus, the apps simple, user-friendly interface means StaySafe is quick and easy to use – encouraging user adoption amongst staff.

If you are interested in our lone worker protection system, request a live demo or get in contact.