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Lone worker app market on the rise statistics confirm

According to recent statistics, there has been a huge rise in the market for lone worker protection solutions. Figures are estimated to hit 260 million by 2022 across Europe and North America, a huge increase from the 110 million recorded in 2017. There has also been a noticeable rise in the number of users using GPS and cellular technology protection services and numbers are predicted to grow from 500,000 in 2017 to 1.1 million by 2022. With the rate of technological advances continually rising, safety solution companies are maximizing on the efficacy and appeal of smart devices. In North America, over 40% of solutions are based on smartphone and tablet applications, with this figure estimated to grow in the coming years. These results are of no coincidence as more and more employers are taking visible steps to minimize the risk of fatalities and incidents involving their workers. Legislations put in place by the Heath and Safety at Work Act 1974, ensure that employers have a significant responsibility to their employees in making their working environments as safe as possible.

Why are lone worker apps gaining popularity?

Since offsite working can be unpredictable and difficult to track and manage, employers are favoring app-based solutions that can be conveniently accessed via a smartphone or tablet. These apps are flexible, easy to use and often a cost-effective way to ensuring the whereabouts of workers are known and that their safety is not being compromised throughout the day. Many organisations are turning to apps over lone worker devices as advancements in mobile technology means that apps are able to provide reliable solutions to common safety challenges. In the event of an emergency, panic features can be activated, and alerts sent to the necessary contacts, with the added GPS technology, assistance can be sent to the individual’s exact location. Plus, apps can be developed remotely as new features become available and updated on the employee’s phone without the need to buy the latest device. Many organisations are also finding apps to be a more reliable and user-friendly alternative to traditional lone worker solutions. Most people carry their mobile phones with them everywhere they go and would not leave the house without them. This means that a safety app is not only always with them but comes in a familiar and easily accessible form. User adoption is much higher when provided with an app as a result. Using an app fits effortlessly into the working day and does not require employees having to remember a separate device or even keep it charged – which is the greatest challenge many businesses experience when it comes to devices.

StaySafe’s lone worker app

StaySafe has been specifically developed with lone worker’s safety in mind, features have been designed to combat a range of different incidents that could potentially arise in lone working environments.
  • The discreet panic option allows employees to discreetly send an emergency alert when in a dangerous situation.
  • StaySafe have implemented new technology to tackle the common issue of low service in remote working areas. Check in alerts can be sent without a WiFi or data connection.
  • StaySafe have also created features to detect when an employee has not moved for a prolonged amount of time. Once man down has been activated an alert is automatically triggered to let the employer know an accident may have occurred.
  • A wearable device can be paired to the app and used to quickly and discreetly perform a check-in or panic, for situations where lone workers may be unable to access their phone
Visit our solutions page to find out more about our easy to use lone worker app               
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