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Lone Worker Device

Lone Worker Device

Do you have a team of workers whose role requires them to work alone? Perhaps your staff are often required to work by themselves, and sometimes in dangerous situations? If so, it’s imperative as an employer to put the safety of staff first, which is why so many people are investing in our lone worker device. Here at StaySafe, our app is like nothing else, and separates us from the rest. Investing in our app means that you have full knowledge of your staff’s whereabouts, and will be alerted immediately if they are in any danger. The app is fully controlled by the employee, and feeds accurate real time data directly to an online monitoring hub. The app is simple to use and works by the employee setting a session duration and location. If the user does not check in safely or presses the panic button, alerts will be sent to their employer. Our app is cost effective, convenient and accurate. What’s more, it is incredibly user friendly and gives you peace of mind that your staff are safe. To learn more, visit our site today or give us a call on 0844 561 7233.